In 2021, CaFÉ saw a fantastic return of many art organizations ready to get back to in person events, exhibitions, and programs. There are still a number of virtual exhibitions, a trend we expect to continue not only due to the ongoing pandemic, but also due to the successful outcomes online spaces bring. Looking back on the past year, we are proud to be a part of this return to some sense of “normalcy”—in whichever form that may come.
The CaFÉ team has also been hard at work making important updates to the site. In August, we introduced a new and improved design to make the experience of creating and managing calls for entry more modern and user friendly for the CaFÉ site for administrators. In November, we implemented nine new ways to sort and filter the calls on the call listings page, and added an extra layer of security to the administrator login page by implementing multi-factor authentication. We also introduced new features for artists in December, such as adding the ability for artists to indicate if their artwork is for sale. We hope to add even more exciting new features in 2022.
As more organizations and artists continue their work and breathe life into the creative economy, CaFÉ will continue its mission of making art opportunities available to all by offering arts organizations an affordable submission platform and artists an easy way to apply. Take a look below to learn more about our year in review!
136,300+ Active Artists
Where CaFÉ Artists Reside in the U.S.
Map depicting the U.S. shaded blue from dark (most artists) to light (fewest artists). Darker shaded areas showing the top five states of most CaFÉ artists include (in order): California, New York, Colorado, Texas, and Florida. Lighter shaded areas showing the five states with the fewest CaFÉ artists include (in order) North Dakota, Delaware, Mississippi, West Virginia, and South Dakota.
713 total organizations
138 new organizations joined CaFÉ
Where CaFÉ Organizations are based in the U.S.
Map depicting the U.S. shaded green from dark (most organizations) to light (fewest organizations). Darker shaded areas showing the top five states of most CaFÉ organizations include (in order): California, Colorado, Texas, Florida, and North Carolina. Lighter shaded areas showing the five states with the fewest CaFÉ organizations include (in order) Vermont, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Nebraska.
1,282 calls posted
122,448 entries submitted
64.44 days average length of time a call was open.
$22.47 average entry fee.
1,096 customer support calls
8,180 customer support emails
156 artists featured on our #WayOutWest Instagram page – @callforentry
Top Disciplines of Artists
Row chart depicting the top disciplines of CaFÉ artists from most identified to least identified. The top disciplines in order from most to least are:
- Painting – 19.8%
- Visual Arts – 11.4%
- Drawing – 9.5%
- Photography – 8.3%
- Sculpture – 7.4%
- Public Art – 4.2%
- Printmaking – 3.4%
- Illustration – 3.3%
- Craft & Decorative Art – 2.8%
- Digital Media – 2.7%
- Fiber/Textile Art – 2.6%
- Design – 2.3%
- Multidisciplinary Art – 2.1%
- Graphic Art – 1.9%
- Book/Paper Art – 1.8%
- Film/Video – 1.4%
- Interdisciplinary Art – 1.3%
- Metalwork – 1.2%
- Jewelry 1.2%
Written by Communications Coordinator Justine Chapel