The CaFÉ team regularly releases new features, improvements, and fixes for the site. Recently, we fixed an issue with the application displaying the scorecard incorrectly. We also fixed an issue with promotional e-blasts not being sent to international artists. Finally, we released several improvements to CaFÉ’s security features.
Resolved Issue with Display of Application on the Juror Scorecard
We found an issue where the answers to application questions were not displaying properly on the juror scorecard. If an applicant entered numbers into their answer, those numbers would appear as random characters when displayed to the juror. This issue has now been resolved and any answers submitted by the applicants will appear properly to the juror.
Resolved International System Notifications Error
An error in the system inhibited our ability to send promotional e-blasts to international artists. We resolved the issue for all opted-in artists who live in countries outside the U.S. To update their notification preferences, artists can go to the My Profile tab of their CaFÉ Account.
CaFÉ Security Enhancements
To help improve the security of all CaFÉ users, we recently released three updates to the system. First, we updated the password reset process so that a user is logged out of all sessions upon a password change. Secondly, we tweaked the order in which a password is saved in our registration process. Finally, we disabled auto-fill for browsers in the CVV and ZIP Code sections of the CaFÉ checkout. Instead, users will have to type in their CVV and ZIP Code manually to verify the payment.
Written by Communications Coordinator Justine Chapel