The CaFÉ Spotlight continues this month by highlighting another organization that uses CaFÉ to administer and manage their calls for entry. Our newest edition features a gallery that may be new to CaFÉ but is not new to the art world.
The Edward A. Dixon Gallery is a commercial art gallery located in Dayton, Ohio. It specializes in the exhibition, education, appreciation and sale of International Fine Art in an unlimited range of art media and styles. The Edward A. Dixon Gallery joined CaFÉ in October of 2020 and is running its first call for entry on the platform.
We are thrilled that gallery owner and curator, Ed Dixon, spent some time with us to talk about his gallery, current and upcoming projects, and why he chose CaFÉ to manage his call for entry process.
The gallery has showcased a wide variety of artistic styles and mediums which have included both primary and secondary market pieces. Artists featured at the gallery have been both local to the area but have come from abroad as well. Sabrina Terence from Germany, Ben Ibebe from Nigeria and Julio Antonio Pino Varens from Cuba are just some of the international artists who have had artwork displayed in the gallery. The gallery has also had the opportunity to host pop-up shows by the now late animator, Ron Campbell, from the Beatles cartoon fame.
We’re Doing it All Wrong™ is a project I started at the gallery to put some action behind my thoughts for a more equitable world produced in the most creative way available to me. It also gives artists a chance for their artwork to be seen in a context that may cause viewers to take a deeper look into the meaning of the piece and come away with more introspection or examination of the outside world than expected.
The gallery does not have a large staff, so using CaFÉ’s platform to manage the call for entry process not only saved valuable time, but ensured the process was efficient. Having the work of storing submissions, collecting entry fees and artwork scoring [all] managed by CaFÉ’ allowed us to have more time to focus on other exhibition details as well as day-to-day activities. In addition, many artists check CaFÉ’s call calendar on a regular basis, and that combined with their e-blast, helped ensure my call for entry reached thousands of artists who work in the disciplines that met the [established] criteria.
Due to the pandemic the gallery has had to change locations in addition to facing many days where potential customers were either not allowed or were [un]willing to travel to the gallery because of new restrictions. Focusing more on our website and social media presence and creating more one-on-one communications are just some of the ways the gallery has adapted to the current conditions.
Connecting the public with artwork that speaks to them and helping to grow the appreciation of artists and their artwork are the things I am passionate about that drive me to continue this work.
The gallery added artwork from various artists in February for Black History Month and also has plans for a Photography exhibition in September 2021. The specific theme for that show is still in the works.
The Edward A. Dixon Gallery is accepting submissions on CaFÉ for We’re Doing it All Wrong™ until 2/28/2021. Don’t miss out on this or any of the opportunities available on CaFÉ! Visit the CaFÉ Listings page to find your next opportunity.
Written by Communications Coordinator Justine Chapel